Cheat GTA 5 PC - Games Update


Cheat GTA 5 PC

Tidak memungkinkan kita bermain game dengan mode yang itu - itu saja , ada saat nya gamer ingin sesuatu yang luar biasa. Saat semuanya terlihat mudah untuk dilakukan, maka game pun semakin banyak diminati . Contohnya di GTA V yang rumornya bebas dari yang namanya cheat , ternyata terbongkar semua rahasia Cheat Code di dalamnya .
 Langsung saja , let's cekidot ...

Cheat Codes
Ketika di dalam game, tekan ~ untuk menampilkan console window. Kemudian, ketik Cheat Code dibawah dan tekan [Enter] untuk mengaktifkan cheat:
Result Cheat Code
Invincibility (5 minutes)painkiller
Maximum health and armorturtle
Recharge ability instantlypowerup
Faster runningcatchme
Flaming bulletsincendiary
Explosive melee attackshothands
Slow-motion mode [Note 1] slowmo
Slow-motion aiming [Note 1]deadeye
Increase wanted levelfugitive
Skyfall [Note 2]skyfall
Drunk modeliquor
Slippery carssnowday
Low gravityfloater
Change weathermakeitrain
BMX bikebandit
Buzzard attack helicopterbuzzoff
Rapid GTrapidgt
Stunt Planebarnstorm

    InvincibilityCall "1-999-724-6545537" (PAIN KILLER) on your cell phone to be invincible for five minutes. You must enter the code again after five minutes of reactive invincibility. Note: This code does not make vehicles invincible.
    Full health and armorCall "1-999-887-853" (TURTLE) on your cell phone.
    Raise wanted levelCall "1-999-384-48483" (FUGITIVE) on your cell phone.
    Recharge special abilityCall "1-999-769-3787" (POWER-UP) on your cell phone. 
    Faster runCall "1-999-228-2463" (CATCH ME) on your cell phone.
    Flaming bulletsCall "1-999-462-363-4279" (INCENDIARY) on your cell phone.
    Explosive melee attacksCall "1-999-468-42637" (HOT HANDS) on your cell phone.
    Slow-motion aimCall "1-999-332-3393" (DEAD-EYE) on your cell phone. The code can be entered up to three times to increase its effect. Enter it a fourth time to disable the code.
    Moon gravityCall "1-999-356-2837" (FLOATER) on your cell phone. Enter a vehicle after enabling this code to experience less gravity.
    Slidey carsCall "1-999-766-9329" (SNOW DAY) on your cell phone
    Spawn BMX bikeCall "1-999-226-348" (BANDIT) on your cell phone.
    Spawn Buzzard (small attack helicopter)
    Let's Have Fun ...

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