IBM Presents Supercomputer Summit Using 27.000 ++ NVIDIA Volta GPU - Games Update


IBM Presents Supercomputer Summit Using 27.000 ++ NVIDIA Volta GPU

Game Truss,
IBM and Nvidia are reportedly working together to deliver supercomputers and have been introduced to the public and named IBM Summit. The supercomputer is said to be used at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where it will have a total of 27,648 NVIDIA Volta GPUs installed.

This cooperation with IBM has been planned long ago by Nvidia, where one form of cooperation is the presence of architecture of the latest IBM Power 9 processor that supports NVLink. NVLink bus line has a high speed that allows pairing with many GPUs in one system, and is able to deliver bandwidth and better capabilities than PCIe.

IBM Summit builds on an IBM Power 9 processor that offers Nvidia Tesla V100 support that comes as an accelerator and will assist the processor in handling heavy tasks such as complicated mathematical calculations, AI and Machine Learning. Nvidia Tesla V100 is also supported by Tensor Core, a dedicated unit created for AI and Machine learning needs, so it has better capability than using regular GPU.

Summit has emerged as the world's fastest supercomputer and has 8x better performance, 5x improved efficiency and 4x less Node than the previous Oak Ridge National Laboratory supercomputer Titan.

Supercomputer Summit will be used for various research, ranging from cancer research, Fusion Energy and seeking treatment for diseases such as Alzheimer's with AI technology. Summit is also planned to be used on other projects outside Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
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